Transfer of RTI Application format under Section 6(3) of RTI Act
The attached RTI Application format is to seek information under Section 6(3) of the Right to Information Act, 2005. The application must be submitted in person or by post at the Central Public Information Officer’s (CPIO) office. The CPIO will acknowledge receipt of the application and provide the information sought within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application.
In case you are not satisfied with the response of the CPIO, you may file an appeal with the Appellate Authority within 30 days from the receipt of the response from the CPIO.
(Print the letter on official letterhead)
Ref: ……………….
Date: ………………
(Name of the CPIO)
CPIO, (Designation)
(Department Name)
Office of …………….
(Full Office Address)
(Phone Number, Email)
Sub.: Transfer of application of an RTI applicant under section 6(3) of RTI Act, 2005
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am attaching my application dated (date on which RTI application is filed) seeking information under the Right to Information Act, 2005. I have also enclosed a postal order / IPO of Rs. 10/- as application fee as required under the rules.
In this connection, I request you to kindly provide me with the information at the earliest as I have already waited for more than 30 days since the filing of my RTI application. In case you do not have the information sought by me, kindly provide me the name and designation of the Appellate Authority so that I can approach them.
Yours faithfully,
(Name of the CAPIO)
CAPIO and (Designation)
(Affix Official Seal)
(1) Original copy of RTI application no. ………….
(2) Indian Postal Order No. ………… towards fees.
Copy to:
(Name of the RTI Applicant), (Full Address)
Please note that the information requested by you is likely to be available with the CPIO addressed in this letter. You may contact the said CPIO for further clarification or information regarding your application.